Pool and Spa Closing in Westhampton, NY

Winterizing the pool / spa properly is a necessity. When the cold starts showing its ugly head, we’ll power vacuum your pool, make sure the chemicals are balanced, lower the water level, remove baskets, directional fittings, drain plugs, blow out the plumbing lines, add antifreeze and install the winter plugs, install the winter cover and disassemble the filtration system if necessary. We’ll also store your equipment for the winter and inspect it!

hamptons pool cleaning service

Safety Cover Upgrades & Installation

Whether you need to replace an old cover or have a brand-new pool and need a safety cover. We can measure, order and install a new safety cover that meets your needs.

Filtration System Upgrades

Pump motors and filters are worked hard in the summer months and need to be replaced periodically to keep your filtration system working efficiently.